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After having your fill of their attention, it is only good patronage to tip your reader a good quote.

-CJ Thompson

God is keen on balancing the decks of people who throw too much in the pot.

The Final Case



It will take a lifetime to recover What it took nine months to discover.

Baby Boy



People, in his experience, only “see each other” to see each other see each other.

Grace Gala



Be wise, folks, and remember that Christ has already overcome the world—that includes Clown World.

A Field Guide to Clown World

Here are stars to guide you,

Winds to carry you home.

She who was beside you,

Now inside wherever you roam.

The Motherless





Remember, the heart may be a vital organ, but it is also a small one, often presenting itself in a single word or phrase from the opponent. When in doubt, listen for a bold statement repeated often.

Tactical Discourse: Hippies

There’s nothing new under the sun, so if you’re looking to avoid a sunburn, look to the One who made both.

A Field Guide to Clown World





When flesh is torn and mind is lost, Soul remains to bear the cross. For pain in nerve is pain indeed, Yet this, my spirit, cannot bleed.

Memento Mori





Hunger pangs yawn slavered jaw Closed hence on steely blade, And into peace, his hand opposed, Crawls savior to safety.

Temple Dome


They would much prefer to carry on firing blanks and aiming high than to abandon the safety of their trench and the favor of their rank.

Tactical Discourse Series


Show me a man with love to spare, His heart too full for mortal itch; He who Lucifer need forswear, For live in him is Glory’s pitch.

Calvin Smith


God is very much like time: sovereign over our every thought and deed yet so humbly unobtrusive as to content himself with constant, almost universal disregard.

Ungodly Timing

Others still, the anti-theists, act as embittered patients in a holy hospice; they simultaneously deny and resent God’s existence and, what’s more, His inexorable predominance.

Ungodly Timing

Time has ran but not like you. “To whom?” is the question. I answer, the King of the Jews.

Nowhere to Run, Everywhere to Hide



Here is my smile, keep them happy. Here is my husband, give them daddy.

Sacrifical Love




Moments hound by farce and storm Quell dreams born to sheets so warm. Yet bloom outdare both home and wood In quest ennobled by root of good.

To Answer the Call


You do not “fall in Love”; you sink into it as you might a warm bath, one just shallow enough to prevent full immersion.

Love: A Feeling with Implications



You do not “find Love”; you explore it as you might a new and exotic land, one that stretches on for all eternity.

Love: A Feeling with Implications




You do not “confess your Love”; you narrate it as you might a suspenseful story, one where rising action never turns to climax.

Love: A Feeling with Implications



Love is, therefore, the bedrock of morality, and since God is the standard of morality, He is by necessity also (the standard of) love itself—a formula which works almost just as well in the reverse.

Love: A Feeling with Implications

Finally, if we forget who gave us Love, we will forget how to Love. Because Love without right and wrong is about as meaningful as a compass without north and south.

Love: A Feeling with Implications

And, no, I will not apologize for my excessive use of analogy; it is the language of Love.

Love: A Feeling with Implications



We are too alike to not eventually see ourselves in each other, even (perhaps especially) those we most despise.

The Five Forms of Racism: A Call to Humility


Democracy is the enemy of racism insofar as it values each individual equally (privileged or not, foreign or not) and as their own entity.

The Five Forms of Racism: A Call to Humility


[...] if God really was principally concerned with the unbeliever’s discomfort, am I to believe He could do no better than Hell by way of alternate housing?

When Theodicies Go Wrong: An Overdue Disavowal

Routines, if properly formulated and precisely executed, create positive habits, impart enlightening perspectives, and promote unimaginable progress.

Daily Routines: Your Realized Potential



CJ Thompson









CJ Thompson








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